Financing for Innovation and Infrastructure 

Economy-wide decarbonization will require transformative investments in infrastructure and our workforce. From retrofitting homes to reshaping our electric power system, this work requires targeted spending and innovative financing. As we prepare for greater impacts on vulnerable communities, we must make proactive investments in resiliency and natural resource protection. 

We at ELM advocate for: 

  • Robust, sustainable funding for the operation of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, accelerating an equitable clean energy transition and catalyzing innovation and scalable solutions. 
  • Establishing a Massachusetts Green Bank to secure federal funding to decarbonize buildings in environmental justice communities. 
  • Ensuring our state permitting and regulatory agencies have the resources and staff they need to execute their vital responsibilities efficiently and effectively. 
  • Increasing state funding to protect natural resources and support healthy communities, through our leadership of the Green Budget Coalition. 
  • Continued funding to support climate adaptation, preparedness, and environmental justice through a new Environmental Bond Bill. 



The 2024 Economic Development Bill (H.4804)

The critical climatetech provisions are an essential start to investing in this growing industry. This ten-year initiative will: 

  • Transform our state’s climatetech sector 
  • Unlock robust funding for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center   
  • Build an inclusive green workforce