John and Annkatrine Gates invite you to a conversation with the Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) at the Nashoba Brook Bakery after hours. 

Join us for food, drinks, networking and a discussion of the path to an inclusive green economy with ELM President Elizabeth Turnbull Henry and VP of Policy Amy Boyd Rabin. The conversation will be moderated by Eric Van Loon, former Concord Town Moderator and Executive Director of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Currently celebrating its 125th anniversary, ELM has been a leading voice for the environment on Beacon Hill since 1898. Today, ELM and the ELM Action Fund work to ensure our state takes effective steps toward national leadership on climate, building a Commonwealth where our residents, economy, and natural world thrive. 

Date: Thursday, November 2
Time: 6– 8P.M.
Location: Nashoba Brook Bakery, 152 Commonwealth Ave # 3, Concord, MA 01742