This week, Synapse Energy Economics released a study looking at the need for a new gas pipeline project (Spectra Energy’s Access Northeast pipeline). The study concludes that this project is likely to be twice as expensive as previously proposed ($6b v. $3b), and the need for natural gas will fall in the future due to the environmental and renewable energy policies in New England. Therefore, the study concludes, this gas pipeline project is not needed. This study buttresses efforts to increase the two most important clean energy policy areas that will grow jobs and result in a move away from fossil fuel dependence: energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. ELM is leading the charge for new energy efficiency programs by promoting legislation that would require a home energy audit and efficiency score at the time of sale. ELM is also working with a broad coalition of groups to encourage the development of renewable resources by increasing the Renewable Portfolio Standard and removing the existing caps on new solar projects.